Sunday, December 13, 2009

Over the counter/ drugstore eczema treatment?

I need help! My eczema has flared up lately and I have tried lotions including Eucerin which is supposed to help, but instead made it itch more! Now it is all irritated and in some small spots it has cracked from itching it so much. I cannot get into the Dermatologist for 2 weeks!

Can someone PLEASE suggest something I can go to the pharmacy and buy that can help the itching and aid in healing??Over the counter/ drugstore eczema treatment?
E45 creem is good.Over the counter/ drugstore eczema treatment?
Im sorry to hear that.

I would agree with the Sudocream. That often soothes the ithciness.

Try to keep cool. Avoid hot baths/showers as that make you itch more.

Apply any oudorless lotion, but put it in the fridge before hand, so it cools down the skin.

Get some sun and enough B vitamins, it really helps
A good aqueous cream and Sudocrem for the cracked parts.

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