Saturday, June 26, 2010

Treatment for severely cracked fingers due to eczema?

Hello there. Try Vaseline first - it is an excellent moisturizer. For my eczema I also use herbal cream from Heals my hands better than anything else I tried.


BernadetteTreatment for severely cracked fingers due to eczema?
It is very important to keep the hands clean. But use mild soaps. Use an over the counter hydrocortisone cream first. If this does not work, contact a dermatologist. Cracks on the hands can lead to infections, which can be severe.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for giving such type of useful information, eczema skin disease is common skin problem, mostly people are effected with it. very common type of eczema problems is known as atopic dermatitis, cure home remedies. eczema skin treatment
