I have been sufferring Eczema problem for last 8 years.
Can any one give me solution to get rid of it?
I got it on hands, elbows,ears %26amp; on feet. I have fed up by this desease. I have used lots of oinments, lotions,creams or tablets of blood cleaner but in vain. Please suggest only serious and relevant advices. ThanksWhat's the permanent treatment of Eczema (skin desease)?
1. All eczema is commonly due to allergies and dry skin combined.
2. All alergies has resistance levels. This means if you give a product today and it was OK then that does not mean that person is not allergetic to it. Tomorow the same product can trigger allergies.
3. Protiens are the source of major allergies. Try to introduce protien rich food later. Also avoid milk, potatoes, wheat, eggs (esp. whites), sea-food, food colors, artificial food favorings and nuts.
4. Keep the child away if you are cooking in your home. I found that the smell of allergy causing food also creates allergies.
5. Keep a log of daily activities including food / drinks, motion and irritations. If you keep the log it will be easier to find the problem foods.
6. Give one food for one week without switching. Start with rice and carrots or rice and broccoli (choose one). Give the same food for a week. If severe allergies are noted then remove it from diet and introduce a new one. Any one food introduced should be given continously for 1 week.
7. After giving a bath pat with a towel slightly leaving a film of water in the skin. Seal that to skin by applying thick gel like plain Vaseline. Many creams also create allergies so be careful in using creams other than plain unscented Vaseline. Also do not use the baby oil - many kids are allergic to mineral oil.
8. The allergies becomes severe if you reintroduce the same allergic food again and again but may go away if you remove it from diet for long periods like more than a month.
9. Angry and sad moods of child make the situation worse. I know that a child with eczema takes parents to the edge and many times we may become harsh. Try to keep your child happy.
10. An unconventional treatment, NAET (http://www.naet.com) worked well for my grandson. For people I have referred it did not work well since it depends a lot on the practitioner. For my granddaughter we did not take treatment since we knew a lot about eczema and could control it well.
11. It is late to tell you but it is best to introduce the solids a little late to kids with eczema.
12. If your child has severe itch, ask him/her to scratch using the back of the nails by scratching backwards (in the opposite direction of normal scratch). You can also scratch him like that. Less damage occurs by scratching reverse.
To help reduce itching and soothe inflamed skin, try these self-care measures:
* Try to identify and avoid triggers that worsen the inflammation. Rapid changes of temperature, sweating and stress can worsen the condition. Avoid direct contact with wool products, such as rugs, bedding and clothes, as well as harsh soaps and detergents.
* Apply an anti-itch cream or calamine lotion to the affected area. A nonprescription hydrocortisone cream, containing at least 1 percent hydrocortisone, can temporarily relieve the itch. A nonprescription oral antihistamine, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl, others), may be helpful if itching is severe.
* Avoid scratching whenever possible. Cover the itchy area if you can't keep from scratching it. Trim nails and wear gloves at night.
* Apply cool, wet compresses. Covering the affected area with bandages and dressings can help protect the skin and prevent scratching.
* Take a comfortably cool bath. Sprinkle the bath water with baking soda, uncooked oatmeal or colloidal oatmeal 鈥?a finely ground oatmeal that is made for the bathtub (Aveeno, others).
* Choose mild soaps without dyes or perfumes. Be sure to rinse the soap completely off your body.
* Moisturize your skin. Use an oil or cream to seal in moisture while your skin is still damp from a bath or shower. Pay special attention to your legs, arms, back and the sides of your body. If your skin is already dry, consider using a lubricating cream.
* Use a humidifier. Hot, dry indoor air can parch sensitive skin and worsen itching and flaking. A portable home humidifier or one attached to your furnace adds moisture to the air inside your home. Portable humidifiers come in many varieties. Choose one that meets your budget and any special needs. And be sure to keep your humidifier clean to ward off bacteria and fungi.
* Wear cool, smooth-textured cotton clothing. Avoid clothing that's rough, tight, scratchy or made from wool. This will help you avoid irritation. Also, wear appropriate clothing in hot weather or during exercise to prevent excessive sweating.
Please see the web page for more details on Eczema and Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques.What's the permanent treatment of Eczema (skin desease)?
eczema has still no cure yet. it is found out that eczema does not go away. in some rare case, children will outgrow it when they reach the adolescence stage. that is why if you want to outgrow eczema be sure to have proper diet and proper nutrition to boost and enhance your immune system in fighting skin disease like eczema.
to prevent eczema flare ups be sure to consider this simple tips:
- avoid perfumed skin care and body care products
- avoid extreme hot and cold weather conditions
- avoid keeping fingernails long
- avoid scratching the affected area
- avoid long baths
- avoid processed foods
- avoid skin irritants and allergens
- avoid clothes and material that are rough, course, scratchy and tight
protect the skin all day and promote skin healing by using an all natural skin care product. this can keep the skin moisturized all day. visit http://www.skinoriginal.com for more tips on how to prevent eczema flares.
Unleaded gasoline and a match.
The best herbal remedy for Eczema is found here: http://www.champori.com Works on my eczema better than anything else I tried.
Try it: if it doesn't work - they have money back guarantee so you lose nothing.
Simply take good care of your skin and choose a course of treatment that will work. You will go a long way to keeping your eczema under control for more information on eczema and treatments. Visit http://www.skinoriginal.com/eczema.htm It will help you a lot to get rid of eczema quickly and safely.
I answered this elsewhere- so this is more or less cut n paste
My daughter - had it at 2mo old and after trying many options, and suffering over a year - found an all-natural holistic product that reduced it down by about 80-90%.
While it didnt reduce as fast as the cort - or as fast as they say onsite , the flareups steadily decreased and never got worse. So everyitme, there was a flare, I would use it instead of the cort. And I never had to use the cort agn (1%, not a very severe case but in many areas of body)
First, the itch went - in 2-3 applications which was the most amazing part, then the sores and wounds, and the thickened scars took the longest time to go. For the first time, she could wear skirts last summer because she had no scars on her legs!.
Even this winter, she had very minor flareups, and I dont recall using the product more than a few times.
Its called Surestop for eczema at www.Katuri.com
Provides fatty acids thru skin, builds immunity, makes the body heal from inside, etc.
Everybody reacts differently to different products, even if they are natural, but this is one thats good to try out. They mention 60-75% relief onsite.
They offer sample sizes and worked with me on allergies.
While she has started to get less irritated by many things she was severely irritated to (aveeno cream for one), it doesnt mean she is in a position to not use fragrance free, dye-free, etc items .
But there is hope...
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