Monday, December 21, 2009

What are some effective treatments for eczema?

What works best for you?What are some effective treatments for eczema?
I used to have eczema. It was partly stress related. I believe it is also food related. Mine got worse when I was a teenager from using hydrocortizone and betamethasone. But when I recently used some on my daughter, I realized that I probably had contaminated the jar back then. The most important thing to remember when your rash is open is: keep it clean, don't touch it. What worked for me then was topical erythromicin within an alcohol gel.What are some effective treatments for eczema?
Eczema is caused by the dryness of the skin. Try using a product called Cetraben (you can buy it as a cream or a bath additive).

Steriod creams aren't ideal because a lot of people are allergic to it.

As long as you keep your skin moisturized, the eczema shouldn't be as bad and don't ever scratch it - it will make it worse!!
Mary Kay night cream it looks like pink vasoline.
Try having a sauna to relieve and cleanse your inner being, be good to your body and provide it with positive thinking and relaxation...All in all, don't stress yourself out!!!
I read a website which said that eczema could be cured (or at least greatly helped) by doing the following:

1. Taking 3-4 baths a week with 2 cups of ACV - soak for 30 minutes then shower for a minute in cold water

2. 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals to take a tablespoon of ACV in a tepid glass of water. Add a little honey or blackstrap molasses for taste.

Many years ago I had a lot of eczema on my back which lasted a couple of years.


My eczema was cured in 2 weeks of this regimen! At that stage, I had no idea why ACV would cure my eczema, but now I know that ACV ALKALISES the body. Eczema is a condition of excess acids in the body.

To make the bath even more powerful, you can add a cup of Epsom Salts and a cup of bicarbonate soda. You can read all about the alkalising bath on the alkaline/acid balance forum on Curezone. Also, check out the different ways to alkalise yourself yourself there.

I suggest you try using Zenmend Derma Lotion from Zenmed or Autopalm from

Zenmend has no side effects and it's non-irritant to the

skin. It's proven to works fast and it povides Maximum

results! It's certainly a good lotion to prevent further


Another product that I think is effective is Autopalm. This

dry skin mlm is one of the best seller at now.

( holds more than 10,000 skin care products) It's pretty effective, and worth the dollar paid out.

Here's are some good references:


Products that are effective to eliminate dry skin鈥?/a>
Bathing in affected area in lukewarm water, and using a non soap based gel like QV wash, after that dry the area throughly and use Vitamin E cream.
Oatmeal baths lotions and creams are great for releaving the itch in your skin but you can also use baby laundry detergents and when you buy something new wash it first.Be careful of the soap you use and shampoos cause they can also irritate the sjin
The cause of eczema is not known but aggravating factors include hands that are in constant contact with soap and water, harsh household products and some vegetable juices. If a physician does not specify a particular regimen, Arbonne has some recommendations that might alleviate the discomfort and itching. Although it sounds silly, the ABC (Arbonne Baby Care) line is perfect as it is the most sensitive, pure, safe, and beneficial to your skin. You can also try the Intelligence Cleansing gel, Skin Conditioning Oil, Hand Cream, and Body Lotion. People with skin conditions have tried these products and experienced amazing results. The products are formulated withOUT chemicals, dyes, fragrances, mineral oil, alcohol, wax, acetone, etc. These ingredients have been known to cause irritation and dryness for those with skin conditions. They are botanically-based and pH correct, pediatrician and dermatologist tested, non-sensitizing, and non-irritating. They are formulated with pure, natural, botanical ingredients. I would be happy to help you learn more if you're interested. Good luck.
If you suffer from eczema you have probably been given just about every type of topical cream known. Few realise that the gastro-intestinal tract is the main source of skin conditions.

The inner lining of the gastro-intestinal tract is the largest immune reactive surface in the body, amounting to the size of a small tennis court.

Within the GI tract this surface is repeatedly exposed to food particles, bacteria, yeasts, and other toxins that cause inflammatory reactions such as eczema. Reasearchers have found that patients with eczema have a much higher rate of gastro-intestinal disorders.

The Xanthones in the Garcinia Mangostana are anti-inflammatory in nature and, in addition, they kill microbes such as yeast, bacteria, and fungi. When the Mangosteen Xanthones are consumed on a daily basis, wonderful things begin to happen ; the body starts to heal almost instantly.

Mangosteen can also be used as a topical treatment.
i have atopic ( i think that means i've had it as a child) it flares up when in summer it's really hot and the sweat is there and I scratch- i find not scratching impossible so in summer I have to wash frequently thru the day. I use only Cetaphil (commercial brand) 'soap' and their intensive moisturiser(with shea butter) - I also have dry skin. When it's humid it's better for my skin than dryness though because, unless I use my intensive moisturiser twice a day dryness makes it flake badly. when I was 5 or 6 years old I used to use aveeno bath powder I don't think it really worked well, but that could be my eczema reducing with age. Never used fragranced products near your eczema unless the labelling says it's hypoallergenic. ciao
There are different types and degrees of excema. I was able to treat mine with a prescription steriod cream. I found that when I keep my skin moisturized and away from harsh chemicals (chlorine...) I avoid getting any breakouts.

i use aquaphore, cetaphile cream and lots of steroid creams/ointments.

realisitcally it comes from w/in and changing diet helps greatly.
doublebase can be bought from the pharmacy or get it on prescription. it is a hydrating gel for dry skin conditions including eczema.

if water tends to dry your skin, you can apply it before washing as it leaves a protective barrier on the skin to prevent it from drying further.
1. Eczema baths using dead sea salt.

2. Juicing therapy

3. Omega 3 fish oils supplement

More tips can actually be found in this free newsletter that I subscribe to

Drink Three cups of OOLONG TEA 2 relieve eczema

Role of diet:

Consume more antioxidants

Eat foods rich in essential fatty acids

Get lots of vitamin B6


Foods that trigger or worsen eczema

External causes, such as wearing wool clothing next 2 d skin

Dry n itchy skin shud be treated wid emollients, special moisturizers in d form of oils, lotions or creams that soothe,smooth and cleanse d skin. Eczema sufferers shud wash with aqueous cream rather than soap, which can b very drying.

A doc. may prescribe a corticosteroid cream 2 reduce inflam. n 2 improve symptoms, bt this will not cure d condition. Such creams shud b applied as prscribed n shud nt used on d face or genitals.

Antibacterial bath additives help 2 reduce Staphylococcus infection. Oral antihistaminics may reduce itching and swelling in allergic eczema. In severe cases, immunosuppressive drugs may b prescribed in hospital.

Thank u!
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